8 Tips To Write SEO Friendly Content For Blogging

Writing is a medium to communicate with each others and express emotions with linguistic or symbolic properties. In modern times anyone can write an article, but SEO-Optimized articles need a specific kind of practice.

Blog writing is one of the popular media to express your context to your audience, you can influence them to do something by using your writing power.

But your content or article should be SEO-Optimized, if not then you cannot influence them, and you will get low readership or visibility on Search-Engine.

So, in this article, I will share with you some tips to write SEO Friendly content for Blogging. So, let’s dive in…

Thinking Before Writing

Thinking before writing is very important for SEO optimization

Thinking before writing is especially important. You cannot just write; you need a plot (topic) so you can explain it in detail. Think about the topic and what you want to share with your readers.

Think, is your content or article would be a problem-solving to your audience or enjoyable? What is the purpose of your article? So, on.

If you have thought about content, then you need some research.

Keyword research for SEO

Keyword research and analysis required for dominate google search engine

Keyword research is important to writing an SEO-Optimized article. If you did keyword research, you can analyze what are people searching for. And how many people are searching for that?

So, when you start to write content you can set up the keyword as your base. Finding the right keyword also helps you to dominate your competitor’s post. If your content or article is well-optimized with your main keyword and is truly relevant to your audience, then search engines like Google and Bing, rank your content on top of the first page.

There are many ways to research the right keyword. You can take the help of paid SEO tools or free SEO tools. For beginners, I will suggest using free tools that give enough information to write an SEO-Optimized article.

Free SEO Tools for Keyword Research

You can find many free SEO Tools or Keyword Planner tools on the internet just need to search. But in this article, I have gathered the most popular free SEO tools (Keyword Research) for you.

Google Search:

Google Search is World’s number one search engine tool, according to Alexa ranking, every visitor spends an average of ⁓ 14 minutes. So, that means Google has lots of queries and you can take the suggestion for perfecting your article or content.

Question is, how does it work for keyword research?

So first, you need to enter your main topic, term, or keyword on the Google Search box so you can get keyword suggestions even if you will get catchy headline suggestions.

Google Search Showing Keyword Suggestions

Also, you can get these suggestions at the bottom of your search result as well.

Related keyword "laptop under 30k" showing google search

You can also take advantage of questions that people ask on Google.

FAQs that shows on Google Search Result pages. That could be helpful for keyword research.

Google AD’s Keyword Planner:

Google Ad (formerly known as AdWords) is a paid tool, most companies use Google Ad for advertisement. So, Google Ads has a powerful tool inherent to the Ad manager known as Keyword Planner.

So, the remarkable thing is that this Keyword Planner is free for everyone. You just need to sign up through your Google Account.

Google Adwords Keyword Planner, There you can research your keywords, cpc, volume, etc

This tool also shows how many monthly searches(volume), CPC, impressions, etc. So, this tool could be awesome for optimizing your article and dominating your niche.

Google Trends:

Google Trend could be very helpful for those who want to know the Keyword Strength or the Depth of the Keyword. Google Trend shows interest in the topics over time. You can compare two-term in between and analyze them.

Google Trend For Keyword Strength, or depth analysing

Google Trend also shows similar terms that could be helpful for keyword analysis and implementing the keyword in your SEO Friendly content.


Quora is the largest community of people where they ask questions and submit answers or opinions. So could be a great free keyword research tool.

In the search bar of Quora, you can search for the main keyword that you will use to optimize your article. Then you can customize or filter your search for better keyword research.

Quora is the largest community of people there they ask questions and submit answer or opinion. So could be a great free keyword research tool

In my opinion, Quora is a very good alternative to most paid keyword research tools. If you are a newbie blogger then you should use Quora for your research. Quora does not show how many volumes of searches but you can get ideas from Quora.

The most amazing feature is that you can filter your term by period and that’s it you will get lots of keyword ideas and suggestions and even Title ideas.


Ubersuggest is the best free alternative to paid SEO tools. Ubersuggest is owned by Neil Patel. He is one of the most popular entrepreneurs and most of you know that his blog is neilpatel.com.

Ubersuggest is great for keyword analysis and SEO audits. This tool has many sub-tools that could be very helpful for any blogger.

Ubersuggest is the best free alternative of paid SEO tools. Ubersuggest is developed by team of Neil Patel.

Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest is not completely free, if you want to do deeper SEO analysis then you can purchase a plan. But our focus is on keyword research and creating SEO-Optimized articles and using this tool you can do a lot.

Ubersuggest also has a Chrome browser extension, With the help of this extension, you can directly analyze the keyword Volume, CPC, and more.

Ubersuggest Chrome extension Neilpatel for keyword research.

Bing Search & Webmaster:

Bing search engine is also helpful for keyword research and has a keyword research tool backed into the Webmaster tool.

If you want to optimize your content for Google and Bing, then you need to understand their fundamentals. In case your article has been ranked first on Google, then definitely would be ranked first on Bing. The reason is that Google has more visitors rather than Bing. Any article should be easy to rank on Bing.

Below are the images showing the “Related searches for Laptop under 30k”. That was our main keyword in the search box.

Bing shows related searches for keyword "laptop under 30k"

Bing Webmaster Tool is also a very good SEO tool. Most of the newbies don’t know about Bing’s new webmaster tool. You can research your keywords, monthly volume, impressions, and much more.

Bing webmaster keyword research
bing webmaster keyword research analysis

Google Question Hub:

Google Question Hub for Keyword research and headline or title finding

In early 2020 Google had been launched the Question Hub portal. Google gathers all questions and queries here and gives you suggestions to link your blog posts.

Google Question Hub is also helpful for creating a catchy Headline or Title. In the Google Question hub, you need to sign up through your regular Google Account then you need to add all your main keywords, so you can get suggestions.

This is extremely helpful for beginners who started a blogging career and who want to write SEO Friendly content.

Above all, tools and websites are very popular for free keyword research. Some paid tools are very popular in terms of SEO analysis. This tool helps in keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink analysis, and much more. I am going to list some of the most popular paid SEO Tools.

Paid SEO Tools for Keyword Research

There are many paid SEO tools available but only these three the most popular ones are SEMrush, Moz, and Ahrefs.

These three are recommended by most popular digital marketers and bloggers like, Neil Patel and Anil Agarwal. If you are a beginner then I don’t suggest you buy any plans for them but you can try their free trial.


SEMrush SEO Tools free trial for 30 days

Semrush is one of the most popular paid SEO tools, they have tons of features to improve your content. Using Semrush instructions you can dominate your competitor easily.

When you do keyword research on Semrush for optimizing your content, you will get your main keyword-related keywords and volumes country-wise.


Moz is also a great SEO tool for content analysis, competitor link analysis, knowing backlink opportunities, spam score analysis, and much more.

Moz seo tool dashboard for keyword research

You can use Moz for keyword research. Moz gives a 30-day free trial, and you can use all of the tools of Moz without any limitations.

When you do keyword research on Moz then this tool shows Monthly Volume, Keyword Difficulty, Organic CTR, and Priority (a Graphical representation).

Moz seo tool dashboard for keyword research

Moz also shows keyword variations Title suggestions and related keywords, so you can optimize your content easily.

Moz is a very good paid tool in terms of pricing and performance, Moz provides a 30-days free trial. I am also using Moz for our content analysis.

If you are a beginner and want to try a good SEO tool then I will suggest Moz’s free 30-day trial.


Ahrefs is the number one SEO tool in overall performance, but it is also very expensive. Ahrefs provides a 7-days trial (not free). It will cost you to 7-days at $7.

Ahref Keyword Generator free tools

But Ahrefs provides a free tool that you can use to generate similar keywords. This tool has a limitation, but you can use it for basic keyword research.

Must Read:- Ahrefs SEO Tool Tutorial.

Choose Catchy Titles

Catchy titles for SEO friendly content. Use seo friendly content and increase ctr.

The catchy title “The Headline of Your Article,” plays an especially vital role. Your click-through rate (CTR) is dependent on the title. If your title is not so great, then no one wants to visit your article.

A catchy title changes the visitor’s emotions, if I explain in simple language, a catchy title is that people saw and click the title without any thought.

That means your content or article title should be problems solving, entertaining, fun, or related to emotions.

Do you know that? Most of the Titles start with “How to” and “Why.” Here are some examples:

There are many ways to find the best catchy title, you can use the Google search engine to check out and check your competitor’s content.

Check the top-ranking articles, and what the writing styles are. So, that was the basic tip for finding a catchy title.

Content Formatting for SEO-optimization

Content format for SEO-Optimization Blog post length

According to Search Engine Journal’s (SEJ) research, 33 percent of people recommend writing a blog post with 1,000 to 2,000 words. 24 percent considered 1,000 words or less for their ideal length of blog posts. 11 percent of people recommend writing more than 2,000 words of blog posts. 32 percent of people say “It depends,” on the occasion.

So, when you start writing your blog post you need to determine your content should be a minimum of 600+ words. If you write less than 600 then the search engine will determine it as thin content.

The blog should be divided into three parts: introduction text, body text, and lastly conclusion or summary.

Using heading tags

heading tags for SEO optimizations

Using heading tags in a blog post or page is very important in terms of SEO and as well as readability. Heading tags are helps Google Search Console in analyzing content, therefore it can help in ranking.

For better aspects, you can use H1, H2, and H3 Headings for dividing into Topics and Sub-topic. The better way to use these tags is always to put your keyword in these tags.

Use reasonable paragraphs

Paragraph configuration for SEO optimization and seo friendly content

Everyone uses paragraphs, but everybody’s paragraphs are not reasonable. Don’t mix up the things in one paragraph. You need to explain one thing in one paragraph.

Paragraphs are should be easy to read and understandable for visitors. Always use short sentences for the explanation. Long sentences could be hard to read someone.

Using Signaling Words in Content

Using Signaling Words in Content for SEO freidndly content

Signal words help people get ideas and it helps to grow your page session duration. Signal words like: ‘first of all; ‘secondly’; ‘finally’; ‘nevertheless’; ‘surely’ and ‘indeed’. These words give a signal to the readers so, they would be engaged with your content.

Use Images, Charts, and Videos

Use Images, Charts, and Videos for SEO Friendly content for SEO optimization

Uses of images, charts, and infographics are very helpful for SEO optimization and engaging visitors. According to Yoast SEO, if you are using images, diagrams, charts, and infographics that would spice up your content.

There is a quote “A picture is worth a thousand words,” definitely these thousand words don’t apply to Google but if you have 500 words and some great images in your content then it will spice up your content.

Proofread Your Article or Read Aloud Your Own

Proofread Your Article or Read Aloud your own

When you are done writing your blog post then you should need to proofread it, so by chance, if your blog post has any grammatical errors, punctuation, or spelling mistakes then you can do corrections before publishing the article.

There are many ways to proofread your content to SEO-optimize, the best way is to read aloud your own, or give it to your friend or colleague. If the content has an error then they can mark them and you can fix them.

The second way of proofreading is to use AI-based proofreader software like Grammarly. It is a very capable software, you can use the software in a cross-platform OS.

When Publish Your Article Some Basic Seo Tips You Need to Know

Some basic information that you need to know before publishing your content that also helps in SEO. Like your article or blog post should be mobile-friendly. At present time most people use their mobile devices for reading and watching content.

Basic Content Optimization for Search Engine

I have listed some basic content optimization or you can say on-page SEO optimization.

Use Meta Descriptions:

meta descriptions example on google search engine

You may have seen on Google Search, the sort descriptions that are attached below the Blue title bar. You can see the image above in the red box. Meta descriptions are easy to add for WordPress by using SEO plugins like All-in-one SEO, RankMath, and Yoast SEO.

Use ALT text in images:

adding alt text for SEO friendly content

Using ALT text and descriptions of images is very helpful for SEO. Google can understand the context of the images by their ALT text or Alternative tags.

If you are using WordPress CMS then you can add this text visually and through the HTML code. But if you have a custom CMS and don’t have a visual option then add ALT text through HTML code.

Interlinking to Previous Content:

interlinking for SEO optimizations

Interlinking is very important in terms of SEO optimization and increases page views. If you have read any well-ranked content then you would notice that they have many blue sentences or words that mean these words or this content is interlinked with others. It helps Google analyze your blog posts.

External linking (If necessary):

external linking for SEO optimizations

External linking is also good for SEO-optimization practices. Most peoples do external linking when need necessary. If you have mentioned some outsourcing in your content then that would be helpful for the outsourcing owner and your visitors.

Suppose you have used someone’s infographics in your blog post, it is necessary to mention the owner. You can’t copy their work of them so if you give them credits then you can link them to your post.

SEO-Friendly URL:

SEO Friendly URL for SEO Optimization

SEO-friendly URL structure, you need to remove the stop words from the URL structure. Add the main keyword in the URL structure. Note that the URL should be short and sweet. According to Google short URLs have more potential to rank on Google rather than long URLs.

Social Signalling

Social sharing for engaging visitors

Social sharing is an important part of your blogging. Most people are active on social media, and you should have a social media account. When you publish your content then you need to share it on social media to give the signal to your followers and friends.

Tutorial:- How Add Custom Social Share Buttons To WordPress Site Without A Plugin?


How to Write SEO-Friendly Content?

Follow the all basic aspect of content writing or creation. Use topics and their sub-topics for better explanations. Use easy to donative keywords in content, don’t mix up various things in one content.

How to Write SEO-Friendly Content for a Website?

Follow the all basic aspect of content writing. Use topics and their sub-topics for better explanations and use headings tags like H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6. Use easy to donative keywords in content, don’t mix up various things in one content. Interlink previous content for better SEO practices.

How to optimize website content for SEO?

Use images, infographics, and videos to explain your content. Write enough length of content, thin content is hard to rank on Google, So it better is to write the optimum length of content.

Which SEO tools are best for beginners?

Use free tools for starting your blogging career. Otherwise, you can try paid tools like SEMrush provides 30-days of a free trial.

How to do keyword research?

So, when you start to write content you can set up the keyword as your base. Finding the right keyword also helps you to dominate your competitor’s post. If your content or article is well optimized with your main keyword and is truly relevant to your audience, then Search-Engine like Google and Bing rank your article to the top.

What are SEO-friendly content guidelines?

1. Thinking about content
2. Use a catchy title
3. Keyword Research
4. Use images, infographics, and videos
5. Use proper heading tags
6. Interlinking
These are some important guidelines to be used for writing SEO-friendly content. Also, you should write 600+ words of content for better SEO.

How to use an SEO content machine?

SEO content machine is a software that automatically generates Articles and Blog posts.

What are Search Engine Optimization Techniques?

There are many techniques for SEO, like On-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, and Local SEO. If you had done these optimizations or used these techniques properly then your content will rank first on Google search.

How to Get the SEMrush Free Trial?

SEMrush gives a free trial for every new user. If you want a trial or want to try SEMrush for free.


The final thought is that always do your best. Wherever you get the opportunity don’t lose. So, when you start to write and get to a better opportunity to dominate your competitor then use it.

We have mentioned most of the free tools that would be helping your blogging journey. Use them all for better research and create amazing blogs. All small tips and tricks are very helpful don’t ignore them. Read your niche content for analyzing them and try to dominate them.

Pronay Sarkar

I am Pronay Sarkar, I love to write about tech and stuff.

4 thoughts on “8 Tips To Write SEO Friendly Content For Blogging”

    • Definitely, Jonathan, we are currently working on a comparison article about Ahref vs SEMrush vs Moz. In terms of pricing Ahref most expensive and this tool is one of the best SEO tools, but the best overall Marketing and SEO Tool is SEMrush, they also provide a free trial so you can check out free of cost.


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